EXCLUSIVE Our Garden Sensation bouquet will brighten someone’s day with its sweet pastel colors. Bunches of yellow, lime-green and lavender blooms are loosely arranged inside our keepsake glazed aquamarine vase, inspired by handcrafted antiques. This striking vase flaunts an acanthus-leaf motif and scalloped edge trim with beaded detail, creating a charming-meets-chic centerpiece for any special gathering.
- All-around arrangement with yellow roses, lime green carnations, lavender daisy poms and Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria); accented with assorted greenery
- Designed in our exclusive glazed aquamarine ceramic vase with acanthus-leaf motif and scalloped edge trimmed with beaded detail; measures 7"H
- Large arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 15"L
- Medium arrangement measures approximately 16.5"H x 14.5"L
- Small arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 14"L
- Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability
- To ensure lasting beauty, Peruvian lilies may arrive in bud form, and will fully bloom over the next few days